31 March 2010

Lesson from the Titanic

Molly Brown was on board the Titanic as a first class passenger. When the passenger liner RMS Titanic tragically sinking in on April 14, 1912 after striking an iceberg. There was a chaos and panic all around.

She volunteered to help others board the lifeboats for most of the night until finally convinced to leave the ship in Lifeboat No. 6. Most of the passengers were desperate for the lifeboat to get to safety. But she insisted that the lifeboat to go back to look for survivors after learning that it was not yet carrying full capacity.

Initially she was met with strong opposition from Quartermaster Hichens, the crewman in charge of Lifeboat 6, who believed that nobody would be saved by going back as the boat would be pulled down by the ship's suction or by the force of everyone scrambling to get aboard.

But she shouted courageously to a panic-stricken fellow passengers: "There's no danger. It simply can't go down, because I'm on it and I'm unsinkable." Her bantering words, which rang out with the determination never to be defeated and never to give in to despair are said to have given courage to her fellow passengers.

Those who stand up at a crucial moment demonstrate genuine greatness.