29 May 2007


Exactly one week ago on 22 May 2007, I met with an accident. I was driving along Upper Thomson Road towards SLE when I collided head-on with a TIBS bus. I was approaching the junction when I carelessly just proceed to turn right as I spotted the green arrow. The bus opposite actually attempted to beat the red light and sped up. As both vehicles were moving, the impact was rather huge.

I was knocked out cold immediately after the impact and my entire body was shaking involuntarily. I remembered reaching out for my Omamori Gohonzon and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I lost track of time until a passerby knocked on my window to encourage me to come out of my car. My door was jammed though and I had to crawl out of the car from the back.

The airbag was activated. If not, I would be in big trouble. I was truly fortunate and grateful to the Gohonzon.

Ambulance was suggested as my vehicle was badly damaged, but I escaped with only minor cuts and bruises. In fact, after my car was towed to the workshop, the mechanic, being experienced with accidents, was really amazed that I am perfectly fine.

I just wish to restore my mode of transport as soon as possible so that convenience can be returned to me.

I am convinced that it is my previous efforts for Kosen-Rufu and accumulation of good fortune that saved me. I am grateful for the chance to be able to practice the Lotus Sutra which lessens my karmic retribution.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo... Nam-myoho-renge-kyo... Nam-myoho-renge-kyo...

20 May 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

It had been almost 2 ten-day since I last wrote something. That could only mean one thing, work overcame me. As a member of the DATA team, post-exam had always been the busiest time of the academic year for me. But I guessed I am getting the hang of it. It gets easier each time.

Besides post-exam results processing, I was also busy preparing for the SL Selection Camp. This would probably be my first major project under the SL committee. It was not a difficult task, just time-consuming. Another easy but time-consuming task is the slides I have to prepare for the Speech Day. I was not expecting that as I was supposed to be involved in NDP. It was mentioned that duties for NDP, Speech Day and SYF should not overlap. But I learnt that management just has to say something to pacify our emotional vexations.

At home, my father is finally home after more than a decade. In those years, seven was spent in prison for mistakes he made in the past. A couple for prior to these seven years was spent on the run from the law. But he suffered from a stroke and is home now. We had to hire a domestic helper to take care of him. Dynamics at home is altered but I believe everything will settle into a comfort zone soon.

Recently, I watched a documentary titled “An Inconvenient Truth” produced by Al Gore. I raised both thumbs up for it and would recommend it to anyone. It was a comprehensive presentation highlighting the need for action in order to save our planet. Environmental Issues are real and important. I am proud that Soka Gakkai International had always been a supporter for conservation of our Earth. Based on the Buddhist principle of Oneness of Man and Environment, we cannot allow our pollution to continue. It is the suicide of humanity if we do not do anything about it.

I especially like the conclusion where Al Gore shared that the only solution to our environmental problems is to share them with as many people as possible. To create the awareness one person at a time, and to cherish hope that with enough support, politicians and industrialists can finally be enlightened to the fact that a Healthy Environment far outweighs the gains of Economic Wealth in terms of importance to humanity. This is also the commitment of the Soka Gakkai to conduct one dialogue after another to promote Peace, Culture and Education as taught by Dr Daisaku Ikeda.

Locally in Singapore, there is a campaign that calls for us to bring our own bags when buying stuff. This initiative came about because Singaporeans are guilty of being excessive users of plastic bags. As a small nation, we do not have landfills; hence, all our disposed plastic bags have to be incinerated. And incineration contributes to pollution.

I am going to support this movement with all my heart. People who opposed such acts of saving our environment should seriously do some soul-searching and reconsider. Humanity must stop our suicidal acts of hurting our collective home.

You may learn more about the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” at http://www.climatecrisis.net/.

03 May 2007

On Prayers

Scene 1:

The hunters were gathering. The long sticks they carried were carefully sharpened with stones. Among them were boys who would be joining their fathers for the first time. Anxiety showed plainly on their smooth faces. Many had their faces painted with dyes to mask their weaknesses. They cannot be weak now. The harsh winter was coming and their families depended on them to bring the meat home, without which, their younger siblings may not survive to see the flowers bloom come spring. Together, the hunters huddled together and prayed.

Scene 2:

The baby was slowly losing her will to cry. Crying simply took too much effort. She had not eaten for days and she was cold. Her mother held her tightly humming a soft tune. The pain in her heart was excruciating and it numbed all her senses. She too, was hungry and cold but she was determined to be strong for her child. Nothing will prevent her from making sure that the last moments of her child’s life was as comfortable as possible. Stroking the face of her baby gently, she cried out a prayer for the baby.

Why do we pray?

There is nothing more nature and more human to pray. Many times, especially in our contemporary society, we often confuse prayers with the divine or the mystic. But the truth is that prayers are more deeply rooted in humanity than anything we will ever know.

Prayers, in simple terms, are the expressions of our deepest human desires. When there is something we want so strongly, prayers will be an evitable result and as long as we draw breath, it is not possible not to have desires.

However, with the evolution of civilizations, many people had come to associate prayers with a certain protocol of rituals which varies according to different religions. But often, such prayers lose their purpose when they are detached from humanity and concentrated only on the divine and mystical. This is never a chicken or egg relationship. Prayers are always first before religions. Prayers are natural human inclination. And religions are merely devices started by thinking men of the past to help us focus our prayers.

What do we pray to?

Since the earliest civilizations, men had devised countless objects of devotion. There are people who prayed to anything as long as they have some kind of association with what they are praying for. For example, farmers and fishermen prayed to the forces of our natural world for favorable weathers, hunters and soldiers prayed to certain beast with distinctive features, and women prayed to symbols representing fertility and vitality.

However, much of these prayers require men to ask for help, help which cannot be rendered by other humans. Hence, they seek help from elements beyond their control and understanding. They envisioned deities and gods of all kinds of nature extending help to them in time of their need. These kinds of prayers, however, often have the potential to become ritualized and lose their initial meaning eventually.

People who pray in this way often grow dependent, passive and weak. They will often feel insecure and frustrated because they separate the solution to their problems with their own capacity and hence, surrender control of their destiny. The main characteristics of this type of people are low self-esteem and low self-worth. They are often thinking that they are never good enough and their continuous begging with the divinity will purge them deeper and deeper into the destructive feeling of insignificance.

Therefore, it is important to identify the right thing to pray to. By returning to the basics, we realized that praying is an expression of our desires. Therefore, would it not make sense if we are to pray for the capacity to fulfill our desires?

The best forms of prayers are those that empowers ourselves. Hence, it is of great importance that we identify humanity’s limitless potential. And by tapping that potential in the depths of our own lives, we grow independent, and regain the confidence to actively pursue a solution to our problems. And by taking such responsibility, we control our lives and our karma. Hence, prayers should always be directed inwards to our innate humanly goodness and limitless capacity.

How do we pray?

We need something to help us manifest this innate humanly goodness within us. Returning to the basics of prayers once again, we should realize that there is a need to give expression to our prayers. Knowing that we are trying to manifest our innate goodness and cultivate our capacity, we must now need an object of devotion with represents this innate goodness.

In other words, the correct object of devotion must be something which identifies and represents our lives. It had to be able to reflect the truth of our limitless potential.

Following that, we need to express our prayers and direct them towards this object of devotion. Observing human nature again, it is not difficult to conclude that the most nature way for human to express themselves is through their voices. Hence, invocating our prayers is the most direct form of prayers.


It is with this understanding of the purpose of prayer that I began to analyze the way I pray once again.

I pray to the Gohonzon. The Gohonzon is only a piece of paper. But so are many important things such as money or our degree and diploma. But because of what is printed on the paper, the paper takes on different value. So it becomes necessary to understand what the Gohonzon represents.

Nichiren Daishonin states, “Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself.”

What he meant here is that the Gohonzon really represents the depths of our own lives. That within the depths of our lives included the innate goodness and limitless capacity and potential. In terms of the Gohonzon, these inner being is described as the Buddha.

Nichiren Daishonin also taught, “When we revere Myoho-renge-kyo inherent in our own life as the object of devotion, the Buddha nature within us is summoned forth and manifested by our chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.”

The Buddha nature within us is identified as Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Hence, that phrase is the most obvious choice of invocation necessary to express our prayers. And by directing this invocation at the Gohonzon, which represents our inner lives, we have the mode of praying that perfectly make sense to me.