29 May 2007


Exactly one week ago on 22 May 2007, I met with an accident. I was driving along Upper Thomson Road towards SLE when I collided head-on with a TIBS bus. I was approaching the junction when I carelessly just proceed to turn right as I spotted the green arrow. The bus opposite actually attempted to beat the red light and sped up. As both vehicles were moving, the impact was rather huge.

I was knocked out cold immediately after the impact and my entire body was shaking involuntarily. I remembered reaching out for my Omamori Gohonzon and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I lost track of time until a passerby knocked on my window to encourage me to come out of my car. My door was jammed though and I had to crawl out of the car from the back.

The airbag was activated. If not, I would be in big trouble. I was truly fortunate and grateful to the Gohonzon.

Ambulance was suggested as my vehicle was badly damaged, but I escaped with only minor cuts and bruises. In fact, after my car was towed to the workshop, the mechanic, being experienced with accidents, was really amazed that I am perfectly fine.

I just wish to restore my mode of transport as soon as possible so that convenience can be returned to me.

I am convinced that it is my previous efforts for Kosen-Rufu and accumulation of good fortune that saved me. I am grateful for the chance to be able to practice the Lotus Sutra which lessens my karmic retribution.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo... Nam-myoho-renge-kyo... Nam-myoho-renge-kyo...