03 April 2007

3 + 4 = 7

Dawn. Refresh.

It had come to pass that I am starting another new blog to commemorate a new departure for me -- a quantum adjustment to my personal life where I cast aside my past and march forth to the future again.

Prior to this incarnation of my blogging experience, I ran two separate blogs at:

One of them details random ranting by me and the other houses various inspirations I obtain in my journey through life which I wished to share with my students. Maintaining two separate personas, of which one is that of me as a private man and the other of an aspiring educator, had been a challenge. But recently, I had come to realize that such is not necessary. I am, but one man. I am who I am... no point splitting myself up. There are many identities we may assume but the one that gives me the greatest pride is that of a disciple of a truly great man – Dr Daisaku Ikeda. It is from him, that I learnt everything I needed in life.

As this marks a new departure, I thought it necessary to give my own life a simple appraisal and to reintroduce myself to the world. Personally, I would rate myself with an interesting contrast of high spirituality and low emotionality.

I prided myself in my attainment in the spiritual realm. I am a Buddhist. To be more specific, I practice Nichiren Buddhism, which is the school of Buddhism that focuses on the Lotus Sutra, considered to be the highest teachings of all Buddhist doctrines. And I practice them with the Soka Gakkai, an international organization which had inherited the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin, the founder of this school of Buddhism.

I remembered that as a child of maybe about five, I started to question the adults around me on the concept of life and death. It did not take long for me to realize that even the adults do not have a ready answer for such a question and my desire to understand my mortality begins.

As I grew a bit older, I was given formal education in mission schools. The experience provided me with quite an adequate understanding of the Christian faith. But as I compared what I had learnt with my observation of the world around me, I find the teachings of the bible unsatisfactory for my spiritual quest. In the midst of my journey, my mother started to collect a lot of literature on Nichiren Buddhism. I devoured those books with fervor and soon, I started to realize that many of my doubts are clearing. But my seeking mind to ever learn more about religions never waned. When the issue of global terrorism rises to the forth to become a major problem in our contemporary civilization, I took to studying Islam as well to forge a better understanding of my fellow human beings.

I had always cherished the dream of becoming a writer. Which is one of the main reasons why I blog. I love to write. The irony is that I was denied the chance to study Literature when I was in school. But my passion for churning out tales had not diminished and I may proceed to include some of my flash fictions here. Anyway, failing to become an author, I eventually became an educator, teaching mathematics and computer applications in a secondary school (high school in some parts of the world). Education had become an axel from which my life revolves.

My romance with the idea of being an educator took concrete form when I come to realize that thoughts are the only thing that last. As a lover of historical tales, folklore and legends, it had come to pass one day, that all the great empires and achievements in the past count for nothing in light of eternality. The greatest heritage from our past is not the mighty architectures from the Mayans, the Ancient Greek and Romans, the Great Indian and Chinese Empires. They pale in significant to the moral ideals, the system of thoughts and inspirational ideas that are perpetuated to the future. And education is the process of sharing the thoughts with the next generation.

Phew, I guess the above will suffice as an introduction to this new literary journey of mine. The following may not have been mentioned in this entry, but I thought I would just like to list the various categories of things I would be likely to write about here.

  1. Daily_Life (This is mainly my mundane everyday activities.)
  2. Loves (And hates too! But I will try to be positive. =p)
  3. Tales (of any kind really when imagination goes on wanderlust.)
  4. Religion (My spiritual gymnastics.)
  5. Peace (Yes… I am a pacifist!)
  6. Culture (Where art and science fused with meaning and aesthetics.)
  7. Education (The teacher, the sovereign, the parent.)